STOP the pressure links and resources
A range of links and resources to signpost and help you support this year's #stopthepressure campaign

British Medical Journal (BMJ) open access
Deaf / hearing loss
Hearing loss affects 1 in 3 adults – article by Samantha Penney, Milton Keynes University Hospital
Deaf Awareness Week is 5-11 May 2025
National Deaf Children’s Society
British Deaf Association (BDA)
Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID)
For staff with a hearing loss there is a Facebook group called “UK Deaf Healthcare Professionals” which was set up when COVID hit, as it was a great network of support.
Holistic care
Seeing the whole person supports better care
Learning Difficulties
Disability Positive Practice: Neurodiversity
Pressure Ulcer Prevention in pictures – Easy Read guide
Multidisciplinary team working
Stop the pressure – Working collaboratively can reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers
A paper written by Samantha Rooney, Senior Physiotherapist, University Hospitals Birmingham Trust
Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Neurodiversity Guidance
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde – Non-slip socks – are you looking and listening
Spinal Injuries Association
Everyone is different, but pressure ulcers don’t discriminate – STP 2024 campaign
Visual Impairment
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde – A guide to help you prevent pressure ulcers
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