Demystifying lymphoedema/chronic oedema. A good place to start with some useful facts and links
What is Lymphoedema/chronic oedema
Lymph facts: what is lymphoedema. Good place to start!
Chronic oedema/Lymphoedema definitions
Lymph Facts: Skin Care for People with Lymphoedema
Guidelines on the Management of Cellulitis in Lymphoedema
The Chronic Oedema Wet Leg Pathway
Exercises. Everybody Can
You can use these resources to encourage those in your care to exercise – even if they cannot get out of the chair. What triggers during their day can be used as reminders to do 5 or 10 minutes of exercise? Mealtimes? Tea Trolley? The news on TV or Radio? Weather reports on radio? Change of TV programme?
Could you set up an exercise programme targeting oedema, if you haven’t got one already?
Lymph Facts: Movement & Physical Activity
Your secret weapons for a healthy lymphatic system
For those who can stand, they can do all of these. If can only sit and have lower limb issues just do the sitting ones.
For those of you in Ireland
All-Ireland Lymphoedema Guidelines 2022