Linda Jenkins

Linda Jenkins MCSP NMP. National Cellulitis Improvement Team Team, Lymphoedema Wales Clinical Network

Linda Jenkins MCSP BSc (Hons) NMP is a Physiotherapist who has worked across health boards in Wales since qualifying in 1994.

Since 2016 she has worked within Lymphoedema services in Wales. Currently she works for Lymphoedema Wales Clinical Network, as the lead for the National Cellulitis Improvement Programme working as a non-medical prescriber offering advice and support to patients across Wales who have been diagnosed with Cellulitis.

Presentation at Advances in lower limb and foot care study day – 2024

National Cellulitis Improvement Programme


In Wales (2019-20), 37,500 bed days were occupied by patients with Cellulitis in addition, 4,617 accessing Emergency Departments with symptoms.

In Primary Care in Wales there are 80,000 cellulitis cases each year costing approximately £8 Million.

This project is targeting people diagnosed  with Cellulitis providing evidenced-based interventions to improve outcomes and reduce pressure on unscheduled care. Reducing the risk factors of Cellulitis will prevent Cellulitis reoccurrence