Joan Melanophy
Joan Melanophy is a Registered General who started her nursing career in Intensive Care in 1992 and progressed to nursing positions at ward level and nursing homes. Joan has held several Leadership roles; Health Improvement Practitioner with a Lead for Learning disability services, Quality Improvement Manager with a Lead for People and Culture and Lead Nurse for Patient Experience. During this time, she managed many initiatives aimed at improving health and reducing inequalities in health care as well improving patient and staff experience.
In addition, Joan was a Lecturer in Health and Social Care, child care and education, first aid as well as life-skills for adults with autism where she facilitated learning and supported students of all ages in colleges of Further and Higher Education in NI.
As part of her role as Public Health Nurse Consultant for Nursing and Midwifery assessment within the Public Health Agency in NI Joan Chairs the Regional In – Patient Pressure Ulcer Prevention Group. She has responsibility for monitoring data related to In- patient pressure ulcers across the HSC.
Joan Co-Chairs the Nursing and Midwifery Quality and Assurance Network to ensure that the current nursing and midwifery key performance indicators (KPIs) which include Pressure Ulcer prevention are fit for purpose and are providing Assurance that safe, high quality, person centred care is provided to those who use our Health and Social Care services.
She is also a Scottish Improvement Leader (ScIL) graduate, has Professional membership of the Institute for Continuous Improvement in Public Services (ICiPS) and is a member of the Q community