Why be an SoTV Trustee? Read our latest blog to find out more!
Read the SoTV latest blog from Joanna Swann, Lead Tissue Viability Nurse, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and Kate Williams, Wound Clinical Nurse Specialist, Leeds Community Wound Prevention and Management Serviceon “Why they decided to become an SoTV Trustee”
“I have been a tissue viability nurse for the past 12 years and have seen so many changes during this time. From being very much a “Cinderella” service and not given the credit it deserved to a service seen as essential in many organisations. Obviously this came about through the pressure ulcer agenda but has continued with work around chronic wound management and the cost to the NHS, patients and to society of non-healing wounds. The TVS has played a significant role in supporting projects to support the national agenda, supporting nurses to be able to provide evidence based prevention and wound care strategies and putting patients at the heart of everything they do. This is what made me want to become a trustee. I wanted to be part of something that can make a difference and has the ability to influence key decisions for tissue viability in the future. It’s also a great opportunity to meet health care practitioners from all over the country, and further afield, at education events and conferences, to listen to their experiences, challenges and successes in all things tissue viability.
Tissue viability services are not equitable across the UK and it is important that the momentum that started with the pressure ulcer work is not lost. I think that the SoTV has a key role to play in ensuring that effective wound prevention and management remains high on everyone’s agenda and it’s something I’m proud to be part of”
Joanna Swann, Lead Tissue Viability Nurse, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
“I have worked as a community tissue viability nurse since 2004. I have been lucky enough to work as a TVN in different parts of the UK, inner city and rural and have seen the differences in the level of tissue viability funding and service provision in different areas.
As I moved about the country, it was clear that although each area had specific local needs, the same problems kept cropping up. Problems with training, education, lower leg care and of course pressure ulcer prevention were the same regardless of which area I worked in, but the level of investment in tissue viability services varied enormously.
I joined the SoTV at that time to keep up to date with the national work of the society. More recently however I decided become more involved with the society and applied to become a trustee. I felt it was time to become more involved and work with the other trustees to continue this important work. I’m looking forward to the new challenges that this will bring!”.
Kate Williams, Wound Clinical Nurse Specialist, Leeds Community Wound Prevention and Management Service