None of this would have happened without being part of the TVS

Welcome to the TVS blog written by Dr Una Adderley  PhD, RN, DN, QN  – Director – National Wound Care Strategy Programme         

In 2014 I turned up for my first TVS trustee meeting. At that point I was only there as a co-opted member but despite the meeting being conveniently in my home town (I arrived on my bike!) I was nervous. These were some of the top names in tissue viability and I felt the full impact of ‘imposter syndrome’ as I was squeezed in round the rather tightly packed table. Five years on, and reluctantly resigning as I move onto pastures new (though still related to tissue viability) I realise how much I have gained from being a TVS trustee.

My networks have multiplied exponentially.  I have developed new contacts in so many spheres relating to wound care including patients, clinicians, policy makers, researchers and suppliers.  By listening and working with these people I have gained knowledge and many more skills.  We have worked together to develop conference programmes that is highly relevant to clinicians and patients but firmly grounded in the research evidence. Through the Wounds Research Network, we now have much firmer links with wound care researchers from professions other than nursing and this is helping us develop collaborative research bids that are of relevance to patients and clinicians. The TVS has also supported those of us obsessed by leg ulcers to initiate the Legs Matter campaign which is becoming increasingly visible.  And together, along with many other organisations and clinicians, we pushed and pushed to get tissue viability recognised as an NHS priority which has culminated in NHS England’s National Wound Care Strategy Programme (and a mention in the NHS Long Term Plan!). Through close contact with the experts in the field, I have been able to update my clinical knowledge and ensure that my teaching to undergraduate and post-grad students remains relevant and grounded. And along the way, I learned some useful stuff about marketing and how to run a campaign.

None of this would have happened without being part of the TVS. The TVS provided me with the space and support to enable me to stretch myself and try new things. It also provides us with a network to reach out to support each other. It is time now for me to make way for some new faces but I wish you and the TVS all the best.