Partner organisations
We're proud to partner with leading organisations within skin health and wound healing to share expertise and take the collaborative action that make real change and progress possible.

Our partner organisations include:
The British Lymphology Society (BLS) is a dynamic and innovative body providing a strong professional voice and support for those involved in the care and treatment of people with lymphoedema and related lymphatic disorders, including lipoedema. The Society seeks to achieve high standards of care and equitable access to treatment across the UK and promotes early detection and intervention and, where appropriate, screening and prevention.
Diabetes Professional Care (DPC) brings together 3,000+ healthcare professionals and is the UK’s leading event for the entire team involved in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetes and its related conditions.
Elsevier – Journal of Tissue Viability – The JTV is the official publication of the Society of Tissue Viability and has been published by Elsevier since January 2008. This journal, indexed in several electronic databases, covers all aspects of the growing field of Tissue Viability.
EPUAP (European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel’s) mission statement is to provide the relief of persons suffering from or at risk of pressure ulcers, in particular through research and the education of the public and by influencing pressure ulcer policy in all European countries towards an adequate patient centred and cost effective pressure ulcer care.
EWMA (European Wound Management Association) are initiated in cooperation with different national or international organisations, aiming at goals such as an increased data collection and quality of evidence, implementation of knowledge and development of education within wound management. Access to the EWMA Journal
Institute of Government and Public Policy (IGPP) is a Private Limited company established to provide industry-leading events and conferences aimed at making government and public policy-making more effective by informing, educating, disseminating excellence and facilitating action for our members, partners and communities.
Lindsay Leg Club Foundation has been created to relieve suffering from leg ulcers and associated conditions through the implementation of an award winning model that motivates and empowers patients to take ownership of their care, alleviate their suffering and reduce the stigma attached to their condition. It also seeks to further advance education in all aspects of leg health among sufferers, carers, the general public and the healthcare professions.
Mark Allen Publishing – The Journal of Wound Care has an impact factor and is MedLine listed and is the leading monthly international wound care journal. JWC is essential reading for wound care professionals who are serious about providing the best possible support for the people in their care, and those who want to keep on top of the latest thinking and research.
Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC) is a not-for-profit association for over 500 nurses specializing in the nursing care of patients with challenges in wound, ostomy and continence. NSWOCC acts in the public interest for Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence to give national leadership in wound, ostomy and continence promoting high standards for NSWOC practice, education, research and administration to achieve quality specialized nursing care.
The International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP) was formed to raise international awareness of the prediction, assessment, prevention, and management of skin tears. The ISTAP comprises a panel of multidisciplinary healthcare professionals representing: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, North America and South America.
Wound Care People – The Journal of Community Nurses (JCN) and Journal of General Practice Nursing (GPN) provide healthcare professionals with vital education for day-to-day practice, while the online learning zones help to develop knowledge in key areas of care.
Wounds UK – adding value, enhancing understanding, changing practice. Wounds UK is part of the Wounds Group which is a major international healthcare communications business with a global reach in wound management. Their mission is to deliver innovative educational materials, online, in print and in person that successfully meet the needs of those practising wound healing across different geographies.
Are you an organisation that wants to work alongside us to solve skin and wound challenges? Talk to us about becoming a co-operating partner
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