Every CONTACT counts to Stop the Pressure – A
Find out how Every C-O-N-T-A-C-T Counts to #STOPTHEPRESSURE

ASK questions, ADJUST and ADAPT treatment plans.
“The power to question is the basis of all human progress” – Indira Gandhi
To achieve a person-centred pressure ulcer prevention plan of care, health care professionals must ASK questions relating to the specific needs of that individual and respond by ADJUSTING and ADAPTING the plan.
Person-centred care moves away from professionals deciding what is best for a patient or service user, and places the person at the centre, as an expert of their own experience. The person, and their family where appropriate, becomes an equal partner in the planning of their care and support, ensuring it meets their needs, goals, and outcomes. However, the person must be provided with information to allow them to make informed decisions relating to pressure ulcer prevention including:
- Skin inspection and care
- Repositioning and offloading regimes
- Equipment that can be used
- Nutrition requirements
- Lifestyle choices
With an emphasis on doing with rather than doing to, ADJUSTMENTS and ADAPTATIONS are fundamental to person-centred care in both individual and group settings, allowing users of services to be active not only in their own care but also in the design and delivery of services. This approach can improve both the experience and quality of care.
Only by ASKING questions can health care professionals understand a person’s preferences, needs, beliefs and values. This deeper understanding will guide and support clinical decisions making, ensuring that the care provided is respectful of and responsive to the individual needs focusing on the elements of care, support and treatment that matter most to the patient, their family and carers.
Therefore, a priority for pressure ulcer prevention is not to make assumptions, but to identify through ASKING what is important to the person, to develop an enabling, co-ordinated plan of care that meets the needs of the individual.