Every CONTACT counts to Stop the Pressure – N

Find out how Every C-O-N-T-A-C-T Counts to #STOPTHEPRESSURE


Be NEEDS led, NOTICE what is important

A NEED is defined as something required for a safe, stable and healthy life.  A NEED is essentially a human right. Every practitioner must understand that Pressure Ulceration Prevention is a universal Human right / NEED. This was enshrined in the declaration of Rio De Janeiro in October 2011

Pressure ulcer prevention is integral to professional codes of conduct to do no harm; e.g. Nursing Midwifery Council; preserving patient safety. All practitioners must understand that pressure ulcers are an adverse event and must be considered a major threat for patients’ safety both in hospital and in Community. In order to prevent harm practitioners NEED to:

  • Risk assess, NOTE risk factors and Take action to mitigate against them
  • Inspect skin and NOTICE skin changes
  • NOTIFY other members of multi-professional team if NEW pressure damage is present
  • Use NETWORKS to ensure multidisciplinary approach
  • NOTIFY patient and family, educate using appropriate resources and ensure understanding
  • Reposition regularly
  • NOURISH and hydrate patient
  • Apply skin barrier products, NOTIFY Nurse In Charge if NOT working
  • Assess for equipment, be curious about what equipment have or NEED or reasons why they do not wish to have or use equipment
  • Educate and empower patients and staff: NEGOTIATE expectations and Navigate challenges with patient
  • Keep accurate fully completed NOTES and document variances

There is a NEED to do all of the above as a requirement of essential care.

Remember a NEED is essential, it is Not desirable or an optional extra.