Every CONTACT counts to Stop the Pressure – T

Find out how Every C-O-N-T-A-C-T Counts to #STOPTHEPRESSURE


TAKE ACTION, be the change that is needed

The Care Inspectorate is asking CARE AT HOME service providers and staff  across the UK to TAKE ACTION and use our new guidance to help you to prevent pressure ulcers and MAKE EVERY CONTACT COUNT for the people you visit.

Care at home carers / home carers are often the only professional group who see people on a daily basis and are well placed to pick up on changes in the persons physical condition or psychological well being.  Its important that they recognise the early warning signs of skin damage and TAKE ACTION to escalate this appropriately so that the person gets the the right care at the right time.

Download the  guidance 

The Care Inspectorate is asking CARE AT HOME service providers and staff  across the UK to TAKE ACTION and use our new guidance to help you to prevent pressure ulcers and MAKE EVERY CONTACT COUNT for the people you visit.

Make every contact count - Pressure ulcer policy guidance for care at home services - a message from Joyce Murray

Pressure ulcer policy guidance for care at home services - webinar recording