Stop the Pressure videos
A selection of videos which can be used for your information or as educational resources

Our videos will be available on this page as well as our YouTube channel TissueViabilityTV after we have launched them during STOP The Pressure week.
Why every contact counts - a message from the NHS 4 Nations
What makes babies and children so much at risk of pressure ulcers? - Webinar recording
Preventing pressure ulcers in people with spinal injury – every contact counts - Webinar recording
‘Within 6 Hour’ risk assessment – What does this actually mean? – Jacqui Fletcher OBE, Senior Clinical Advisor STOP the Pressure Programme & Clinical Lead Pressure Ulcers, NHSEI and National Wound Care Strategy Programme
The video below contains images of cadavers so therefore you will need to view on YouTube as it is considered to be 18+ content. Simply click the link.
Why do we use categories? Understanding the A&P structures of pressure damage – Jacqui Fletcher OBE, Senior Clinical Advisor STOP the Pressure Programme & Clinical Lead Pressure Ulcers, NHSEI & NWCSP
The video below contains some graphic pressure ulcer images so therefore you will need to view on YouTube as it’s considered to be 18+ content. Simply click the link.