Natasha Levy

Meet Natasha, who is standing for Trustee election

Role/Job Title

Senior Lecturer in Podiatry (School of Human and Health Sciences)


University of Huddersfield

Brief CV

I am a passionate lecturer, researcher and clinician focused upon enhancing care for those with potentially compromised tissue viability. I am currently a Senior Lecturer within a school of human and health sciences where I teach multi-professionally, focusing upon exploring current evidence and guidance to provide best holistic care. In addition to teaching both theoretical and practical tissue viability skills, I also support students completing their own research, encouraging them to contribute to widening our knowledge of care and best practice.

As an active researcher, I was awarded my PhD in September 2023 and am currently working on sharing findings on the impact of below ankle amputation upon quality of life with the health community, with the aim of providing a more holistic approach to care and management. I have published in the Journal of Community Nursing, The Diabetic Foot, always focused upon shaping care. Part of my research role is also to be a journal reviewer, ensuring the quality of research that is published. I review for the Journal of Wound Care, the International Wound Journal and the Journal of Tissue Viability.

My previous role was as a Podiatrist in the NHS, working with individuals with complications of conditions such as diabetes, vascular disease and rheumatological conditions. During my 13 years in the NHS I worked in a variety of settings, both community and acute. Due to this, I feel I have experience in how to support our members, who may be working in isolation, with support at a distance. The Society’s education is vital for our members.

I am a confident orator, and have a post graduate higher education teaching qualification and am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. I have presented at a Diabetes UK Conference and am proud to have contributed to the Society conference, delivering sessions exploring fundamentals of lower limb care. As a current Trustee I use my skills and experiences in different ways to support the work of the Society. I am a member of the Strategy, Leadership and Engagement sub-group, exploring the direction of the Society and how best to support the members. I co-ordinate feedback to NICE on guidelines which relate to tissue viability, and also am an editorial board member for the Journal of Tissue Viability. I create blogs for the Society, showcasing how research may influence and enhance patient care in a practical sense.

I am seeking re-election as I wish to continue to support the vital and valuable work of the Society. Being a Trustee has been an honour.