Healthcare professionals knowledge and the existence of policies regarding usage of medical adhesives in the hospital: a survey research

You are being invited to take part in an International Survey being conducted by the TAPE-Study Team, to understand the knowledge of healthcare professionals and the existence of guidelines and clinical routines regarding the use of self-adhesive medical materials


You are being invited to participate in an international survey conducted by Örebro University, Sweden, focusing on the use and removal of medical adhesives, such as dressings, electrodes, and tapes, in healthcare settings. Your input will help us understand current practices and challenges, contributing to improved guidelines and patient safety.

TAPE-Study Team

The study is being conducted by Örebro University, Sweden – Prof. Mats Eriksson, Tanja Duljic, Dr. Alexandra Eilegård Wallin, Prof. Dimitri Beeckman & Dr. Lisa Hultin

What does it involve

The survey takes about 15 minutes, and your responses are confidential.


The survey closed 15 October 2024

Start the survey

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