Raising funds to provide education for our Carers

The Tissue Viability Society are embarking on a Journey to the Centre of Mars (the Ruby Red planet)

As part of our 40th Ruby Anniversary activities (strongly hampered by Covid-19), we aim to raise money to develop and deliver a programme of training and education to say a huge thank you to all our CARERS across the UK.

So please help us to help them and say THANK YOU

As we mentioned, it’s our 40 year RUBY RED Anniversary and we’re determined to not let this monumental anniversary pass by unrecognised and are therefore embarking on a mission to walk to the centre of Mars, the RUBY RED planet.

Mars has a radius of 2,106 miles (approx 4,500,000 steps) and the TVS trustees, members and sponsors are taking on this challenge during the month of July collectively.

The TVS Charity needs your help! Click here to Donate or if you want to walk with us, email admin@tvs.org.uk for more information!