Andrea McGoverin

Andrea has been working with PURSUN and the clinical trials staff since she developed a pressure ulcer during the birth of her third child some years ago. Her experiences also led to embedding pressure area care and recognising and responding to pregnant ladies with Pelvic Girdle Pain, in the midwifery training programme at the University of Leeds. Admission procedures to labour ward were updated too, in the Leeds Hospitals NHS Trust, so that all women are assessed for the risk of pressure ulcers.
Presentation at the Pressure ulcer prevention and management in patients with complex physical and mental health needs specialist/service specific study day
The patient experience
During this session you will hear from Andrea McGoverin, who developed a pressure ulcer whilst giving birth. Andrea will describe the events which led to her pressure ulcer, as well as the impact it had on her and her family. She will also talk about ongoing efforts to improve things for other service users.
Andrea will be joined by Delia Muir, who facilitates the Pressure Ulcer Research Service User Network (PURSUN). PURSUN is made up of people with experience of living with pressure ulcers and / or pressure ulcer risk. Members use their experiences to improve pressure ulcer research and care.