Ayesha Marshall

Ayesha Marshall MSc BSc RGN, Nurse Consultant Tissue Viability, South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Ayesha is a Nurse Consultant in an integrated trust in the North East of England. Her nursing career, spanning more than 30 years, has been focused on Tissue Viability, wound healing & safeguarding

Her experience has been gained predominately working in West Yorkshire and then relocating in 2019 to the North East. In 2020, Ayesha initiated a post-graduate Tissue viability course with the University of Sunderland which continues.

Ayesha has been a former Chair and is an active committee member of the northeast Tissue Viability Nurse Specialists group.

She has lectured at local and national conferences, universities and published several articles in Tissue Viability journals.