Claire Acton

Claire Acton - Head of Tissue Viability and IV Services | Directorate: Clinical Care and Quality | Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

Claire has worked in tissue viability, vascular and dermatology specialties since 1990, in both acute and community settings.

She has a great passion for wound care and change to support the patient to gain the clinical support they need and where possible participate in their care and loves innovation and trying new ways of working to achieve this holistically.

Claire has chaired the south east TVN forum , spoken at national and international conferences and published various articles.

Presentation at the Advances in wound care study day

Exudate Management


Exudate management eludes us, it’s the one thing that patients always comment on and no dressing will manage without addressing the underlying issues and leads to many associated patient related challenges such as pain, periwound skin damage and psychosocial effects. This session aims to review and highlight some of these and support in the assessment and management of patients with wound exudate issues