Dr Jackie Casey

With approx. 30 years of experience, Jackie has worked as a clinician, university lecturer, and in industry across the UK, Ireland and the US.
She is passionate about the importance of posture, positioning, seating and wheelchair mobility to enable the participation in everyday life for individuals with mobility and/or postural limitations.
Jackie’s doctoral research investigated the postural asymmetries and mobility of children with cerebral palsy. Whilst her previous research has explored the impact of caring for a child who is a wheelchair user, from a parent or a teacher’s perspective; use of modified toy cars to enable children to socially participate; and with industry in designing accessible customisable seating products for persons with complex postural needs.
Jackie now works in a joint appointment with Ulster University and Southern Health & Social Care Trust, continuing her own research, and supporting clinicians to engage in and to embed a culture of clinically relevant research.
Presentation at The Society of Tissue Viability 2025 Conference
Complex positioning/sleep systems
Coming soon
Delegates will learn about:
- Coming soon
Coming soon
Presentation at Advanced Pressure ulcer prevention and management when caring for people with complex health needs study day
Positioning to prevent and manage pressure ulcers
Pressure injuries or ulcers (PU) can often develop as a result of prolonged sitting or lying in the one position. Those with neurological or physical conditions, and those who are immobile or unable to effectively weight shift or change their position are at particular risk of developing PUs. It is recognised that the cause of PUs is multi-factorial, however, the use of thoughtful positioning and assistive technology devices as part of a 24 hour postural management programme are useful interventions in both the prevention and management of them.
Although a 24 hour postural care approach is recommended for those at risk for developing PUs, this presentation will focus on sitting. Specifically it will cover the understanding of common areas at risk in sitting, the use of positioning in seating, acknowledge the need to complete a comprehensive postural assessment, and will consider potential strategies that can be used in sitting to prevent or to manage the risk of developing pressure injuries.