Dr Tamsin Collins

Tamsin is one of two consultants in Rehabilitation medicine working within a multidisciplinary community neurorehabilitation service in Leeds. Tamsin ran a spasticity clinic for many years and continues to offer spasticity assessment in patients’ own homes and nursing homes. In the course of that work she frequently encounters patients with contractures that are impacting on their skin care and leading to risk of pressure ulcers.
Presentation at the Pressure ulcer prevention and management in patients with complex physical and mental health needs specialist/service specific study day
The impact of contractures on pressure ulcer prevention & management
In the session, Tamsin will explore the prevalence and causes of contractures and will focus on spasticity as a cause but also outline concepts of paratonia and immobility. Contractures are an under-recognised, under reported and under researched area. There remain uncertainties about how to address prevention and treatment. She will discuss initiatives in different parts of the country which are trying to address this