Drew Davidson

Drew has worked with vascular patients with greater Glasgow and Clyde for nearly 30 years.
For the last 6 years he has work as a Vascular clinical nurse specialist. He has a strong interest in patents with venous leg ulceration and chronic oedema and the management and treatment of these challenging conditions.
Presentation at The Society of Tissue Viability 2022 Conference
Venous leg ulcers – a standardised national approach
After attending this session, persons will be able to:
- Understand the importance of Holistic Leg ulcer assessment
- Be aware of when and who to onward refer leg ulcer patients
- Be aware of the new Scottish national Venous leg ulcer pathway
- Gain an understanding of current venous interventions
Patients with venous leg ulcers can be a massive burden on NHS Scotland resources. A standardised approach has been developed by Scottish Government which promotes venous interventional treatment to aid healing and decrease rate of recurrence of venous leg ulcers.
A one stop clinic resource has been developed at QEUH Glasgow based on the evidence of the EVRA study and formally promoting ongoing compression therapy post treatment of venous insufficiency.
As per the new national pathway, referrals from primary care will come directly from dedicated leg ulcer clinics, District nurses, podiatry GPs and treatment rooms. It is hoped that this standardised approach will help prevent and improve venous leg ulcer outcomes.