Fiona Russell

Fiona started her nursing career in 1986 in the Orkney Islands. She moved to Aberdeen in 1993. During this time she has worked in different specialities but eventually since 2000 as a Tissue Viability Nurse.
During the past 22 years there have been significant changes in technology, medical devices and artificial intelligence (AI). These products have improved the diagnostics and care we can provide but we still have the clinical challenges which keeps all tissue viability nurses busy. Prevention is paramount.
Presentations at The Society of Tissue Viability 2022 Conference
How to run a successful wound care service using digital imagery and virtual e-clinic tissue viability support
After attending this session, persons will be able to:
- Appreciate the challenges of delivering a Tissue Viability Service across a remote locality
- Understand the role that digital technology has in delivery of a safe and effective TV Service in NHS Grampian and the remote Scottish Isles
- Have an understanding of managing a Tissue Viability e-clinic to meet clinical demands across a geographically and demographically challenging environment
NHS Highland and NHS Grampian have very similar Geography and demographics. The total population of these regions are 865,480 with a land mass of 36809.72KM².
The challenges to deliver a specialist service across these areas in a timely and effective manner were recognised in 2008 where the concept of using digital cameras and a virtual e-clinic was conceived.
This service remains a pivotal platform for referrals and wound management in NHS Highland and NHS Grampian.
Duty of Candour in wound care / pressure ulcer incidents
After attending this session, persons will be able to:
- Understand the DoC review process
- Recognise potential DoC scenarios in relation to pressure ulcers
- Understand Professional and Organisational responsibilities regarding DoC
- Gather relevant Information Red Day Review and Datix
- Reflect and learn from adverse events
Every healthcare professional must be open and honest with patients when something that goes wrong with their treatment or care causes, or has the potential to cause, harm or distress. We will discuss the process of how to review the environment.
The method of collecting the valid information for your Datix/incident report and the process of communication and learning from adverse events. We will define The Duty of Candour when pressure damage occurs and this triggers this legislation.