Kristina Mountain

Kristina works in the Division of Nursing & Paramedic Science in the School of Nursing at Queen Margaret University.
She is a Senior Lecturer and she leads the Person-centred Practice Framework which is made up of 12 Nursing and Allied Health Professional postgraduate programmes. Prior to this role she was the Programme Lead for the PgDip in Person-centred Practice: Health Visiting.
She is a Registered Nurse – Adult, a Registered Nurse – Children, and a Registered Specialist Community Public Health Nurse.
Before working at QMU she worked for 18 years as a Health Visitor in a culturally and socially diverse community in the inner city area of Edinburgh.
Her key areas of interest are person-centred practice, judgement and decision-making and storytelling as learning – reflexivity.
Presentation at The Society of Tissue Viability 2022 Conference
Person-centred moments
After attending this session, persons will be able to:
- Consider their own person-centred moments in practice
- Reflect on their understanding of personhood
- Think about how they work in their teams to create and facilitate a healthful culture
The Divisions of Nursing, Paramedic Science, Occupational Therapy and Arts Therapies at Queen Margaret University have been working together for the past 4 years in creating collaborative, inclusive and participative ways of working centred around a person-centred philosophy. Our culture is based on a commitment to forming and fostering healthful relationships between all team members and key stakeholders.
We have explicit values of respect for persons self-determination, mutual respect and understanding and leadership practices with a focus on creating the conditions for all staff to flourish whilst engaging in continuous development and quality enhancement.
Our conceptualisation of person-centredness is consistent with the WHO Framework of ‘people-centred healthcare’. Our philosophical understanding of ‘person’ ensures that we apply the term ‘person’ at individual, team, community and population levels.
This is underpinned by distinct ideas on ‘personhood’ (the essence of being a person) articulated through complementary modes of Being and Becoming, that together enable all persons to experience mutual respect and understanding (or sensing) in their relationships.
Personhood is not a static or fixed concept, and as such recognise that persons are always in a state of becoming through reflective engagement, learning and transformation – experiencing person-centred moments.