Kulvant Sandhu

Kulvant is a Registered Mental Health nurse, Best Interests Assessor, and Queen’s Nurse who leads on Mental Capacity Act and Dementia within Leeds Community NHS trust.
Kulvant is part of the trust’s safeguarding team and has years of experience of supporting practitioners who are working with people who lack capacity and/or self-neglect. She has membership to city-wide working groups and is involved in initiatives aimed at improving practices when working with people who self-neglect.
Presentation at The Society of Tissue Viability 2022 Conference
Self-neglect and pressure ulcers
After attending this session, persons will be able to:
- Case examples of how we work with people who self-neglect with pressure ulcers
- Better understanding of the processes within safeguarding which can support practitioners when working with people who self-neglect with pressure ulcers
- Understand how the Mental Capacity Act supports decision making and risk managing
- Practitioners feel more confident in managing cases involving people who self-neglect with pressure ulcers
Delivered by the Tissue Viability Nurse and Named Nurse for Mental Capacity Act & Dementia, this session will use case study examples to demonstrate how we work with people who self-neglect with pressure ulcers. Giving an overview of the safeguarding processes and Mental Capacity Act legislation which supports our decision making in managing the risks, and building therapeutic relationships to support people make choices about their own care and treatment.
This is complex work but we hope this session will give practitioners useful tips and guidance when working with people who self-neglect with pressure ulcers. To understand how this contextualises to safeguarding adults framework and how to incorporate the Mental Capacity Act in your clinical practice. We hope practitioners leave feeling more confident in managing cases involving people who self-neglect with pressure ulcers within their own clinical areas of work.