Lynsey Atkinson

Lynsey Atkinson Skin Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner Northern Health and Social Care Trust

Lynsey has been working as a Skin Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist for the past 6 years, and has recently commenced Advanced Nurse Practitioner training.

Lynsey has a special interest in dermatology surgery and hopes to progress this as part of her new role.

Prior to my current role she was a Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist

Presentation at Skin health and wound care in oncology and palliative care settings – 2024

Skin cancer recognition and prevention

Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Northern Ireland, and incidence continues to grow rapidly.  Skin cancers are broadly divided into melanoma and non-melanoma sub-categories.  Exposure to ultra violet light is the most important aetiological factor in the development of skin cancers.  Early diagnosis and prevention is key to improving patient outcomes, thus prevention and early detection is vital to reduce the burden of skin cancer within society.