Margaret Kitching

Margaret is a Registered Nurse, Certified Midwife, District Nurse and a Specialist Nurse who has worked in the NHS for over 40 years. Up until recently Margaret has maintained her clinical practice skills in the field of Tissue Viability Specialist Nurse on a sessional basis.
She believes that she is able to effectively contribute from a front line perspective which enhances and complements her executive role. Margaret is leading and driving the quality and patient safety agenda across the North East and Yorkshire with the overall aim of improving care and support to patients and their carers.
Margaret is the senior responsible officer for delivering the national woundcare programme on behalf of our CNO for England.
Presentation at The Society of Tissue Viability 2023 Conference
A strategic approach to wound care
Improving wound care requires a strategic approach across all health and care providers to achieve system-wide change that better meets the needs of patients and takes the most cost-effective approach to delivering the right care, to the right patients at the right time, by the right health and care professionals.
In 2018, the Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England commissioned the National Wound Care Strategy Programme (NWCSP) to address the growing burden of wound care. The focus is on improving care of lower limb wounds, pressure ulcers and surgical wounds.
Five years on, the NWCSP has raised awareness about the need to improve wound care to bring benefits to both patients and health and care providers. The NWCSP now has the attention of the Department of Health and Social Care and other NHS England Directorates beuond Nursing, so the challenge is how to convert that attention into strategic system-wide change across England.