Mike Oliver

Michael works as a Programme Manager delivering a range transformation projects that usually have a digital flavour.
He has a professional background in Podiatry and was the Clinical Lead of his organisation’s Podiatry Service for 6 years before coming into his existing role.
Presentation at The Society of Tissue Viability 2023 Conference
Using a digital wound management system to improve outcomes for people with deteriorating wounds
After attending this session, persons will be able to:
- Understand that digtial wound management is not just about photographs, it is about using data to support the management of caseloads
- See that turing data into information for clinicians can help them to improve outcomes for deteriorating patients
- Understand that digital wound management requires an organisational approach to ensure that there is sufficient data to turn into information
- See that the use of a digital wound management system can support a different skill mix in nurse led services
- Understand some the issues that we have encountered during our deployment of a digital wound management system
Livewell Southwest has been using a digital wound management system for two and a half years, and has been through a significant transformation journey from the initial early adoption to the widespread use across woundcare providing services within the organisation.
At the outset of the project, we thought that we were solving a wound photography issue, however, we have omce to realise that as important as the photographs are, the data that is yielded from a digital solution has immecnce value, and can lead to changes in the delivery of wound care within an organisation.
We have implemented ‘Senior Reviews’ in our Lower Limb and Podiatry Services, where groups of clinicians come together to review wounds that we have identified from both data and concerns raised by clinicians that a wound is deteriorating. Our initial evidence shows that this review contributes towards a greater percentage of patients moving onto a healing trajectory, compared to areas where such reviews are not currently taking place.
We have also seen changes in the skill mix deployed in nursing services where our digital wpound management solution is used, with a greater proportion of non-registered staff delivering care, which is enabled by senrior clinicians having remove oversight of the wounds on their caseloads. This allows our senrior nurses to direct their attention to the cases that require their expertise.
The deployment of the solution has faced some challenges along the way, and the presentation will explain some of the pitfalls and how we have addressed them.