Nicholas Clarke

Dr Nicholas Clarke has been a Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist since 1986, within the NHS and now in independent practice. Dr Clarke practices in clinics across London and the South-East of England, also visiting patients at home and in nursing homes as well as in hospital. Dr Clarke primarily treats elderly patients and his speciality is dementia care, which is also his area of extensive research, but he also manages elderly patients with depression, grief and stroke disease.
A large part of his work involves counselling and guiding families and carers of his patients, and his experience has shown that patients cannot be treated in isolation. He also works closely with the GPs of patients with dementia and age related illnesses to ensure the best possible outcomes are achieved.
Dr Clarke qualified from St George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London in 1984. He studied Psychiatry and gained membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 1990. As a Specialist in Old Age Psychiatry, Dr Clarke has dual Accreditation, holding a GMC certificate of European Accreditation in Old Age Psychiatry as well as Accreditation in General Adult Psychiatry.
Dr Clarke has been involved in neurochemistry research at the Wolfson centre for age related disease, Guys campus London, for the last 20 years. In 1999 he was awarded his MD in neuroscience (amyloid protein in brain disease).
In addition to his MD, Dr Clarke is widely published in leading medical journals including: The BMJ, The Lancet, The British Journal of Psychiatry and The Journal of Neuroscience. He produces regular written information updates for GPs and other professionals involved in dementia care and is the lead author of ‘How to Manage Dementia in General Practice’ which was published by Blackwell-Wiley BMJ books in 2013, to assist GPs in dementia care.
Presentation at The SoTV/EWMA 2024 Conference, London
The psychological impact of living with a wound
Learning objectives
After attending this session, persons will be able to:
- Appreciate the personal experience of living with a non-healing wound
- Identify factors that may contribute to less-than-optimal psychological support for people with wounds
- Make recommendations to improve psychological support of individuals with wounds
This session will share the personal experiences of wound healing experienced by 2 individuals; one after sustaining a complex traumatic wound after being bitten by a dog and the other with painful leg ulceration. The thoughts, feelings and observations of the individuals and their carers will be explored with commentary from a psychiatrist. The session will facilitate a discussion about factors that should be considered to improve the psychological support of wounded patients and conclude by making recommendations to improve clinical practice.