Sarah Bradbury

Sarah has been specialising in the field of wound healing and research since 2004 within the NHS, academic and industry sectors. She completed her MSc in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair in 2008 and is currently studying for a Doctorate in Business Administration focusing on introducing a value-based health and care approach to wound management services.
Her current role is an Independent Tissue Viability Nurse Consultant providing advice, education and expertise around all aspects of wound management via her clinical research and training consultancy business. Her particular interest is complex wound management, including lower limb ulceration and atypical wounds.
Sarah also works in various clinical settings to maintain her clinical skills within tissue viability and supports the MSc in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair at Cardiff University as an Honorary Lecturer.
Sarah is very passionate and highly motivated to utilise her varied knowledge and experience to increase the profile and demonstrate the value of wound-related research as a means of improving patient outcomes and promoting excellence within the speciality. She is also a strong advocate for collaboration across the multiple specialities involved in caring for patients with complex wounds to improve the patient experience and ensure that care remains patient-centred.