Zoe Larmour

Zoe is the Service Manager for Specialist services within North Cumbria Integrated NHS Foundation Trust (NCIC). She manages several Community services across Cumbria: Physical Health Psychology, Diabetes/ Endocrinology, Sexual health, Specialist Palliative Care, Community Tissue Viability Nurses, and Podiatry.
Zoe has worked in Cumbria for 22 years, initially as a diabetic specialist podiatrist and then as a team leader within the service. Prior to being appointed Service Manager, she held positions at HMP Haverigg as Quality and Safety Manager and Integrated Care Community Manager (ICC).
While Zoe doesn’t work directly in a clinical capacity anymore, everything she does across her role is still based on the premise that patients should be at the center of everything we do, and the staff who deliver those services must be supported in doing so. She is privileged to work with so many individuals who are passionate about patient care and the services NCIC offers