Surgical Wounds Healing by Secondary Intention – Future Research
Surgical wounds healing by secondary intention are common following surgery or wound breakdown. These can be costly to treat and can have a negative impact on patients' quality of life

Led by the Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, researchers across the UK have recently completed the SWHSI-2 Trial which has evaluated the clinical and cost effectiveness of negative pressure wound therapy compared to standard wound dressings in relation to time taken to heal surgical wounds healing by secondary intention (SWHSI).
Following on from this study, the team would like to understand what interventions may be relevant to evaluate in a subsequent study. If you routinely see or deliver care to patients with a SWHSI, they would be grateful if you would take a few minutes to complete their survey. The survey can be accessed via this link: and the closing date for responses is Friday 26 July 2024. Please do also share this with your colleagues as all contributions are welcome here!
The survey is set up to be accessed on any digital device, however you are encouraged to complete this via a PC, laptop, or tablet for ease of displaying all options for each question. If completing on a mobile telephone device, you may need to scroll across to view all options.
Many thanks in advance for your participation
Professor Chetter and Catherine Arundel, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, University of Hull and University of York