Abstract submissions

We want to continue to encourage high quality research and educational papers and support the many healthcare professionals who want to improve clinical practice and share implementation of innovation. We especially welcome first time presenters.

For the chance to present your work as a poster or oral presentation, you need to submit an abstract to the conference organising committee. An abstract is designed to give the reviewers a brief synopsis of your poster or presentation so they can assess suitability for the conference.

The abstract must be submitted by the given deadline, Friday 28 February 2025. SUBMISSIONS HAVE NOW CLOSED. THANK YOU TO ALL THAT SUBMITTED, WE WILL NOTIFY YOU OF THE RESULTS SOON

Occasionally, and at the discretion of the committee, submissions may be accepted after the deadline. Your submission will be reviewed by a member of the executive committee and if successful, you will be invited to attend the conference as an oral or poster presenter.

Even if your abstract has been accepted at other wound care conferences recently, you are still welcome to submit it to the Society of Tissue Viability Conference. Presenting at multiple conferences enables you to engage with a wider audience, enhancing the impact of your work, building valuable connections, and increasing the visibility of your work.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and celebrating advancements in tissue viability together!

The Society of Tissue Viability greatly appreciates your contributions and encourages you to share best practices at our friendly conference.  This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase the work you have done to a diverse, multi-professional audience, participate in meaningful discussions, and collaborate with fellow Tissue Viability enthusiasts from the UK and beyond.


Quality improvement / Service development

Posters and free paper oral presentations

Product evaluation / Case studies

Poster only

Care homes / Home care

Posters and free paper oral presentations


Posters and free paper oral presentations. Any trials or research projects which could include:-

  • Early career research projects
  • Dissertations
  • All forms of literature review
  • Audit


Posters and free paper oral presentations, could include:-

  • Patient education
  • Clinician education
  • Public education / awareness raising

If you would like any support with application, or if you think your abstract doesn’t fit one of these categories, get in touch and someone will get back to you.

Want inspiration?

Watch our ‘How to write an inspiring abstract, poster or free paper presentation, an interactive guide for HCPs’

General rules and quality standards

Your posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference. Time has been set aside during the programme on the 30 April-1 May for oral presentations. The exact day and time will be given to the successful presenters in due course.

Please read the following FAQs (frequently asked questions) for creating a successful abstract. You should not feel pressured to follow all these suggestions, as everyone’s style of poster presentation will be different and valid.

Download a pdf of the General rules and quality standards for submission


If my abstract has been accepted at other woundcare conferences recently, can I still submit to the Society of Tissue Viability Conference?

Even if your abstract has been accepted at other wound care conferences recently, you are still welcome to submit it to the Society conference Presenting at multiple conferences enables you to engage with a wider audience, enhance the impact of your work, build valuable connections, and increase the visibility of your work. The Society of Tissue Viability greatly appreciates your contributions and encourages you to share best practices at our friendly conference.  This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase the work you have done to a diverse, multi-professional audience, participate in meaningful discussions, and collaborate with fellow  Tissue Viability enthusiasts from the UK and beyond.

Why submit a poster to the Society of Tissue Viability?
Posters are a great opportunity to present your work and help bolster your career. We accept contributions from all levels of our community, such as: pre and post graduate students ; specialist nurses; surgeons; podiatrists; health care professionals; primary care; wider multi professional educator community and care homes.
General rules and quality standards for submissions?
We are keen to ensure that your work is presented in the best possible light and in order to ensure that you have the greatest chance of success, please take note of the following General Rules and Quality Standards to maximise your chances of success listed below. The deadline for all submissions is Friday 31 January 2025 Download a copy of the General Rules and Quality Standard
What are your tips for submission?
Make sure you don’t forget to put the following information on your poster: title, your name, your supervisors’ names (if appropriate), your affiliation and contact details such as your email address and twitter name. Remember that less is more when it comes to poster presentations, so try not to overload your poster with text. Images can be a great way to communicate information and proof points on a poster. Please have a look at an example of a poster presented at a previous conference:
How big should my poster be?
A1 or A0 is the recommended size for a poster. The poster board sizes are 2 metres high by 1 metre wide in a portrait orientation.