When does delaying compression for chronic oedema become a harm?
Join a Legs Matter webinar delivered in partnership with 3M

Chronic oedema is an umbrella term for abnormal prolonged swelling of the lower leg potentially caused by many different factors, but more commonly with the venous and or lymphatic system. Unfortunately, awareness of chronic oedema is poorly understood, despite having significant consequences and a potential precursor to leg ulceration.
It is often seen as a benign condition and something that the patient just has to live with. Due to many factors such as over stretched or access to services, awareness of the condition and accurate diagnosis, patients are only managed if there is an associated wound or “leaky leg” or if it is of a cancer-related lymphoedema – all of which is the tip of the iceberg! The Leg’s Matter campaign seeks to address such a harm through its 10-point plan to radically rethink how people are treated with leg and foot conditions.
The question being – “Should not applying compression to patients living with chronic oedema be considered a harm?”
Objectives of the webinar
- Understand the size of the problem of chronic oedema in the UK – is it a hidden epidemic?
- Explore why do we only address the tip of the iceberg eg when there is a wound or a cancer – related lymphoedema
- Explore how having better management of chronic oedema will also impact on leg ulceration (management and primary prevention of leg ulcers and lymphorrhoea)
- Understand how the system, access to services and lack of awareness and diagnosis of chronic oedema creates harm
- Discuss the importance for all Health Care Professionals to be able to identify the aetiology contributing to the chronic oedema and implement appropriate management strategies.
- Explore the importance of increasing confidence in applying compression with or without a wound for a patient living with chronic oedema and the benefits of compression
- Gain an awareness of the Legs Matters ten-point plan and, in particular, with chronic oedema how we should acknowledge it as a harm, address system knowledge, health inequalities and skills gaps and actively challenge the system to prevent deterioration and harm to our patients!
Ruth Yeoell – Medical Liaison at 3M
Ruth is a registered nurse who has expertise in all aspects of wound management. She has a specialised clinical and leadership background spanning over 20 years within vascular medicine. She is passionate about holistic assessment, delivery of evidence based and effective treatments for complex lower limb conditions, empowering patients and enhancing their quality of life. She currently sits on the Leg Ulcer Forum executive committee as a commercial member.

Rebecca Elwell,
Rebecca is the Macmillan Lymphoedema Advanced Nurse Practitioner at the University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust. She completed an Msc in Lymphoedema in 2012. In 2013 she opened the UKs only Red Legs clinic for patients with leg redness from a cause other than acute cellulitis. This has led to increased awareness of red legs and reduced hospital admissions. The Red legs pathway has been adopted by the British Lymphology Society (BLS) and endorsed by the National Legs Matter campaign.
She is a proud trustee of the BLS, a member of the BLS scientific committee, BLS children with lymphoedema special interest group and is the BLS annual conference organiser.

Kate Williams, Senior Lecturer in Tissue Viability at the University of Huddersfield and an Honorary Tissue Viability Nurse for Leeds Community Healthcare Trust
Kate is a Trustee and Treasurer of the Society of Tissue Viability and represents the Society as a member and Treasurer of the Legs Matter Coalition.

Registration link coming soon.