The Procurement of woundcare products and therapies
Join the conversation - we would love to hear from you
Are you a healthcare professional? Could you help us by taking a few minutes to complete our survey about the procurement of wound care products and therapies and the evidence for their use?
The Carter report in 2015 identified the need to reduce unwarranted variation in the NHS and called for the “adoption of the Procurement Transformation Programme (PTP)”. By adopting the PTP it was felt there would be cost benefits to the NHS and benefits to patients by ensuring products were fit for purpose. NHS supply chain is responsible for completing this work, however, as this procurement exercise has developed, we are aware there have been many professional conversations taking place at regional groups, on social media platforms and in workplaces.
The Society of Tissue Viability is keen to ensure the views of both our members and other healthcare professionals on current issues within wound care are represented in a clear and unbiased way. Please take some time to complete the survey below to help us to understand if and how the PTP is affecting you.
Please bear in mind this is a Programme in England but we are keen to have views from all over the UK.
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