Wounds Research Network (WReN)

Bringing together the UK's skin health and wound research community

High-quality research is what’s needed to solve skin and wound challenges.  

It’s research that underpins clinically proven and cost-effective skin and wound solutions. The UK research community is highly active in skin health wounds’ research, but there was no unifying organisation to link research-active individuals and communities with each other and with research-active NHS centres. That’s why we helped create the Wounds Research Network (WReN)

How it started

Initiated by a small group of professionals involved in wound research, WReN held its inaugural meeting in April 2016 at City Hall, Cardiff, Supported by a grant from the Tissue Viability Society (UK), WReN brings together a diverse range of stakeholders and clinical and academic professionals with an interest in wounds research. These include:

  • Surgeons
  • GPs
  • Diabetologists
  • Dermatologists
  • Podiatrists
  • Nurse Specialists
  • Service Users
  • Statisticians
  • Health Economists
  • Clinical Trialists
  • Trial Managers
  • Clinical Research Nurses
  • Trainees


What is our aim

The overarching aim of WReN is to provide a platform for shared learning and support for the design, conduct and delivery of wound prevention and treatment research throughout the UK. It is also there to:

  • Provide a way to share cross-speciality information about researchers, CTUs and research centres developing and delivering NIHR portfolio studies.
  • Provide a networking platform for clinical and academic professionals involved in wounds research.
  • Support the development and engagement of clinical specialists as co-applicants.
  • Promote the development of novice PIs to support delivery of NIHR portfolio studies.
  • Support early career researchers in wounds research
  • Signpost to service user groups able to support research activity.
  • Collate, establish and maintain mailing lists of clinical groups with a track record and/or interest in participating in wound research design and delivery.

WReN also organises an Annual Scientific Meeting, which provides a platform for shared learning about innovation in the design, conduct and delivery of wounds research throughout the UK.