Join our Scientific Symposium in partnership with 3M
Join us on Wednesday 18th May at 8am for our Scientific Symposium - Lets get back on track! - Negative Pressure Wound Therapy - Sponsored by 3M Healthcare

We’re delighted to present this session run in partnership with 3M Healthcare
Title: Lets get back on track! – Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
Time: 08:00 – 09:00 (45 Minute Presentation + 15 Minutes Q&A)
Moderator: Fran Norman (was Spratt), Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist Tissue Viability, Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust and Society of Tissue Viablility Trustee
Speaker: Ms. Claire Porter, BSc (Hons) Nursing, BA Professional Practice (Burns & Plastics)
During this session, Ms. Claire Porter will discuss the approach to providing optimal Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in the post Covid–19 environment.
What you’ll learn:
- The impact that the pandemic has had on Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
- The complexity of wounds post-pandemic
- The effects of the Pandemic and reskilling requirements
- What technologies should we use to minimise skin damage
You will have the opportunity to join the discussion with Claire and Fran following the presentations and breakfast will be provided – we look forward to seeing you.

Claire Porter
Claire qualified as a nurse in 1996, this is where her journey started within Plastic Reconstructive surgery, at London’s Charing Cross Hospital and where her specialist interest in negative pressure wound therapy began and her journey within wound care. Following this, Claire was a ward sister for many years on the Kinmonth Unit at University Hospitals of Leicester, caring for patients unedergoing burns/plastics and reconstructive surgery. In 2010, Claire set up a Burns & Plastics specialist nursing service, which currently comprises of a team of 7 Specialist Nurses. Over the past 13 years, this team has expanded and evolved to meet the complex needs of this patient group. Services provided are daily complex wound care clinics, hospital and community outreach for patients with burns/complex wounds, medical tattooing clinic, camouflage clinic, complex lower leg wound clinic and a video/telephone clinic. Claire is passionate about providing support to women undergoing breast reconstructive surgery and runs a patient support group, Keeping Abreast. Through Claire’s continuing professional development, and advancing clinical skills, she has developed into the role of an advanced practice lead within Burns & Plastics and is in her final year of her MSc in Professional Clinical Practice. She is a nurse prescriber and a medical tattooing practitioner. Claire has been a guest speaker at many conferences such as: Wounds UK, Society of Tissue Viability, EUPAP in Prague and EWMA in Paris. She has published her work both nationally and internationally.
Presentation at The Society of Tissue Viability 2023 Conference
Surgical intervention for pressure ulcer management
Objectives After attending this session, persons will be able to:- Have a greater understanding of the patient suitable for surgical reconstruction
- Have an increased knowledge in the necessary aftercare
- Understand the post-operative challenges

Fran Norman (was Spratt)
Fran has 30 years nursing experience based mainly within an acute environment. She has been a Tissue Viability nurse for 17 years and has been lead for the service at Southampton for the last 13 years. Read more…