Una Adderley
To be recognised by this community with a fellowship, is deeply touching and I feel very honoured.
Una is Director of the National Wound Care Strategy for England, a Registered, District & Queen’s Nurse a former TV Specialist Nurse and Society trustee. She was awarded the Fellowship in 2022.

Una is Director of the National Wound Care Strategy for England. She is a Registered Nurse, District Nurse, Queen’s Nurse and former Tissue Viability Specialist Nurse and Society of Tissue Viability trustee.
She has been involved in tissue viability clinical practice, education and research for over 20 years. In that time, she has worked to increase knowledge and understanding about evidence-informed wound care in a wide variety of ways. This has included teaching undergraduate and post graduate nurses, contributing to a range of NIHR-funded wound care research studies, researching judgement and decision making for wound care and working with the Cochrane Wounds Group to support the publication of wound-related Cochrane systematic reviews.
Between 2018 and 2021 she was also a member of the Health Technology assessment Prioritisation Committee where she took every opportunity to promote community nursing research and wound care research. Una has published widely on wound care, particularly in relation to leg ulceration. For many years, Una has campaigned to raise the profile of wound care and is particularly proud of her contribution to setting up the Wounds Research Network and leading the Legs Matter campaign for its first few years, both of which were initially funded by the Society of Tissue Viability.
“The Society of Tissue Viability is a community of passionate and committed people with high standards, who go the extra mile. Together, they make a really big contribution to the clinical and research community through their support of high-quality initiatives that make a real difference to patient care. To be recognised by this community, in the form of a fellowship, is deeply touching and I feel very honoured. Thank you.”