SoTV and EWMA are proud to make a difference – a celebration of healthcare workers in wound care
Let your video and photos tell the story of why you are #ProudToMakeADifference in wound care

The Society of Tissue Viability and EWMA believe in the power of storytelling and want to shine a light on the incredible work that is done by countless professionals, like yourself, every day.
Sometimes, a picture says more than a thousand words.
Wound care is a tapestry woven with diverse threads – from nurses and podiatrists to physicians, therapists, and specialists. This campaign aims to unite these varied professions under one banner, fostering a sense of pride and community.
Join the conversation
Your voice matters, and we invite you to be a part of this positive movement. Share the stories that deserve to be heard and celebrate the heroines and heroes in wound care. Photo and video entries will be judged together and have the opportunity to win the 2 prizes.
What do you need?
- Mobile phone or camera
What to capture?
Submit a photo/photos or video/videos that encapsulate the essence of your work in wound care. Whether it’s a moment with a patient, a team working together, or a snapshot of the healing process, we want to see your perspective.
How to enter
Share your photo or video on your own social media and tag #ProudToMakeADifference or send them by email to
Video submission
25-55 seconds max – tell us your story.
Start with the following sentence “I am proud to be a [job title/education track] because………”
It is then up to you how much you would like to elaborate on the because. If you are unsure what to say have a look at the questions below as inspiration:
- What do you like about your job?
- Why is your work important?
- What was one of your formative, positive experiences in your professional life?
Photo submission
A photo which encapsulates the essence of your work in wound care.
Whether it’s a moment with a patient, a team working together or a snapshot of the healing process – let’s see your perspective.
Add a testimonial using the format “I am proud to be a [job title/education track] because………”
then feel free to add as little or as much as you like to tell us why.
The prizes
The winner will have the choice of the two prizes below:
- FREE registration to the EWMA 2025 conference in Barcelona, Spain
- FREE registration for the SoTV 2025 conference plus a travel and accommodation bursary up to the value of £300
The second place winner will receive the remaining prize.
Download a flyer to share with your networks
Deadline for applications is 25 March 2024, winners will be informed mid April.
Terms and conditions
- By entering the competition you give us permission to share your photo/video in a dedicated area during the EWMA 2024 Conference in London, 1-3 May 2024 and/or via SoTV and EWMA Social Media
- The SoTV conference prize is only available to HCPs living and working in the UK
- Conference registrations and travel and accommodation bursaries are non-transferrable and cannot be exchanged for their monetary value or similar
- Reimbursement of any travel expenses will be payable upon receipt of proof of purchase
- If your primary role is working in industry, you are not eligible to win the FREE registration and travel and accommodation bursary