Journal of Tissue Viability STOP The Pressure virtual issue
Preventing Pressure Ulcers: Still an urgent clinical priority
The Journal of Tissue Viability (JTV) has an amazing library of papers from over the years and we’re going to share them with you in a series of special virtual issues.
November is STOP The Pressure month so we’ve had a good look through and pulled together our top articles for pressure ulcer prevention.
You can view the list articles on-line and there are 2 which are open access and free to download. Members of the Society of Tissue Viability can view and download all articles for free.
Skin damage is a common hazard during prone ventilation
Comprehensive but brief evidence-based practical guidance is not available
More evidence is needed for prone positioning devices to prevent harm
This work is a precursor to designing a competency-based educational intervention
- Sex-specific differences in prevention of pressure ulcers were minor in hospitals and nursing homes
- More women at risk of institutional-acquired pressure ulcers were underweight, whereas more men were obese
Women generally receive more special support surfaces

Declan Patton
Editor of Journal of Tissue Viability
Declan is currently Director of Nursing and Midwifery Research and Deputy Director of the Skin Wounds and Trauma (SWaT) Research Centre at the RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences. Read more…