Fundamentals of lower limb care

Our educational sessions promote the best practices in skin health and wound healing.


There are currently approximately 75,000 people living with a leg ulcer each year with many more experiencing other lower limb conditions such as lymphoedema or foot ulceration. Many of these conditions can be avoided if signs are detected early and the right action taken.

This session will provide delegates with the fundamentals of lower limb and foot care. You will learn about the common conditions, the underlying causes and how to recognise them. You will also learn what to do to prevent some of these conditions occurring and about your role in maintaining lower limb and foot health.

Who’s the Fundamentals of Lower Limb Care suitable for?

The session is delivered at a basic level so is ideal for those with a limited knowledge of lower limb care but will also be a useful for anyone wanting a refresher. This event is aimed at:

  • registered and non-registered nurses working in community,
  • hospital and care home settings, podiatrists,
  • clinicians with an interest in lower limb conditions,
  • pre-reg student nurses,
  • people returning to clinical practice to update their knowledge.

Lower limb learning objectives

By the end of the session, delegates will:

  1. Have a greater understanding of common lower limb conditions and their underlying causes
  2. Be able to recognise the signs of lower limb vascular disease
  3. Have more confidence when carrying out a lower limb assessment
  4. Be able to recommend the steps required to maintain lower limb health

Foot learning objectives

By the end of session, delegates will:

  1. Be able to recognise skin and nail problems
  2. Understand skin conditions of the feet and common foot problems
  3. Gain knowledge of treatment of foot problems in Podiatry and recognise when to refer to Podiatry
  4. Understand the importance of footwear
  5. Recognise foot deformity

Virtual exhibition

There will be an interactive virtual exhibition of wound care products and preventative aids from our industry partners.

Our Trustees look forward to welcoming you all virtually to the classroom.

Keynote Speakers

Sarah Gardner, SoTV Chair and Independent Tissue Viability Consultant, Wound Matters

Sarah Gardner

Independent Tissue Viability Consultant

Wound Matters

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Gill Sykes Society of Tissue Viability Trustee

Gill Sykes

Advanced Podiatrist

Harrogate and District NHS Trust

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