Join us
If you're an expert in skin health and wound care, join us as a Trustee and help us do even more to solve skin and wound challenges.

Being a Trustee of the Society of Tissue Viability is an invaluable opportunity to steer our organisation and make sure we’re working as effectively as we can to achieve our core mission of solving skin and wound challenges together.
What’s involved with being a Trustee?
Our Board of Trustees is elected by members to guide the strategic direction of the Society. They’re responsible for directing the affairs of the Society, making sure it’s solvent, well run and delivering the best outcomes for members. They also lead on the development of the Society’s vision and strategy.
Time commitment
Trustees typically meet face-to-face for a full-day meeting up to four times a year. As a full Board, they also have around six one-hour video conference calls each year, plus monthly sub-groups meetings.
Who can be a Trustee?
Trustees need to be a member of the Society and working in healthcare, research or education. Up to two Trustees can be members of industry.
How do I apply?
You can put yourself forward for election using the form at the bottom of this page.
Don’t forget to provide the details of two other Society members who will propose and second your application. New Trustees are elected at our AGM, which is now run as an on-line virtual event.
We currently have three positions available for clinical Trustees, three for academic and one for a representative from industry
We aim for the Society’s Board to reflect membership from across the UK and preference will be given to maintaining a balance of representation from all four nations. To help achieve this, nominations from Scotland and Wales would be particularly welcome
Closing date 12pm Monday 24 June 2024
Things to consider
- Successful candidates are expected to attend all Trustee meetings (either in person or by video conference), the Society’s annual conference and Annual General Meeting
- Trustees are expected to commit to a wide range of projects as well as helping to deliver the annual conference, workshops and education events as appropriate
- Applications will be scrutinised by the Board to maintain a multi-disciplinary team and UK-wide approach; Trustees will also take into consideration succession planning for key roles
- Only members of the Society of Tissue Viability can propose, stand or vote; no member can propose or second more than one candidate; proposers and seconders may be contacted by the Society to verify details and provide a reference
- If there are more nominations than vacancies, a ballot through the Society website by an independent 3rd party will take place
The government’s Charity Commission website contains a lot of useful information on what’s involved and expected when becoming a charity trustee in the UK
It’s a real privilege to serve as trustee of the Society and play a role in steering the charity