Advanced Pressure ulcer prevention and management when caring for people with complex health needs

Our free advanced study days promote the best practices in skin health and wound healing


This study day is a step up from our fundamentals of pressure ulcer management session and provides an opportunity to hear about some of the current guidance and exciting work being undertaken across the UK to address some of the challenges faced when trying to prevent pressure ulcers in patients with complex needs. Our panel of eminent speakers reflect the role of the multidisciplinary team in pressure ulcer prevention. They will share their experiences and welcome interaction from attendees via a Q&A session.

Who’s the advanced Pressure ulcer prevention and management when caring for people with complex health needs study day suitable for?

This study day will be relevant to all clinicians working with patients with complex physical or mental health disabilities and at risk of pressure ulceration. This includes Tissue viability nurses, community nurses, nurses working in an acute hospital setting, practice nurses, clinicians working in rehabilitation or reablement services, learning disability services, OTs, Physiotherapists, podiatrists, student HCPs.


View the draft programme – please note timings/presentations may be subject to change

09.30-09.45            Welcome & Introduction – Sarah Gardner, Society of Tissue Viability Education Facilitator/Director, Wound Matters Ltd

09.45-10.15            Positioning to prevent and manage pressure ulcers Dr Jackie Casey, Reader, School of Nursing & Paramedic Sciences, Ulster University/ Head of R&D for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals, Southern Health & Social Care Trust

10.15– 10.30         Q&A

10.30-10.45            Comfort break

10.45-11.15          How important is nutrition in reducing pressure ulcer riskDove Yu, Senior Specialist Dietitian in Nutrition support and Palliative care, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

11.15-11.30            Q&A

11.30-12.00            Stop The PressureJacqui Fletcher, Senior Clinical Advisor STOP the Pressure Programme & Clinical Lead Pressure Ulcers, NHSEI and National Wound Care Strategy Programme

12.00-12.10            Q&A

12.10-12.25            Industry presentation – TBC

12.25-13.00            Lunch

13.00-13.30            The science behind pressure ulcer prevention equipment: How do we select? Heidi Sandoz, Tissue Viability Clinical Nurse Specialist, Independent TV Consultant & SoTV Skin Care Champion Educator, Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust

13.30-13.40            Q&A

13.40 – 13.55         Industry presentation – Charlotte Furness, Partnerships Lead, Isla Health

13.55-14.25            Assessing sub-epidermal moisture as a predictor of pressure damageProfessor Zena Moore, Chair in Nursing, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)

14.25-14.35            Q&A

14.35-14.50            Taking a partnership approach to reduce risk of pressure ulcers: the power of timely interventions to maximise outcomesDanielle Harrison, Head of Commercial Solutions – Mobility Outcomes, Arjo

14.50-15.00            Comfort Break

15:00-15:30            The role of mobility in reducing pressure ulcer riskSamantha Rooney, Senior Physiotherapist (Team Leader), University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

15.30-15.40            Q&A

15.40-15.45            Round up of the day / close

Industry presentations

There will be an interactive presentation of wound care products and preventative aids from our industry partners…


Isla Health

and more to be announced!

Our Trustees look forward to welcoming you all virtually to the classroom

Keynote Speakers

Sarah Gardner, SoTV Chair and Independent Tissue Viability Consultant, Wound Matters

Sarah Gardner

Independent Tissue Viability Consultant

Wound Matters

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Jacqui Fletcher, Senior Clinical Advisor, Stop the Pressure Programme, NHSEI and National Wound Care Strategy

Jacqui Fletcher

Senior Clinical Advisor STOP the Pressure Programme & Clinical Lead Pressure Ulcers

NHSEI and National Wound Care Strategy Programme

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Heidi Sandoz, Tissue Viability Society Skin Care Champion Educator

Heidi Sandoz

Tissue Viability Clinical Nurse Specialist, Independent TV Consultant & SoTV Skin Care Champion Educator

Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust

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Samantha Rooney, Trustee of the SoTV and Senior Physiotherapist, Neuro Critical Care, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Samantha Rooney

Senior Physiotherapist (Team Leader)

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

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Dr Jackie Casey Reader, School of Nursing & Paramedic Sciences, Ulster University/ Head of R&D for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals, Southern Health & Social Care Trust

Dr Jackie Casey

Reader / Head of R&D for Nursing

School of Nursing & Paramedic Sciences, Ulster University / Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals, Southern Health & Social Care Trust

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Dove Yu RD, ANutr, Senior Specialist Dietitian in Nutrition support and Palliative care, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dove Yu

Senior Specialist Dietitian in Nutrition support and Palliative care

South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

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Chair in Nursing at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)

Zena Moore

Chair in Nursing

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)

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