Skin Cancer Awareness for Healthcare Practitioners
Our free full day educational sessions promote the best practices in skin health and wound healing

Healthcare Practitioners have an important role to play in detecting and managing patients with skin lesions suspected to be skin cancer, as timely diagnosis and treatment can improve patient outcomes. However, detecting skin cancer can be challenging, as common non-malignant skin lesions have similar features to less common skin cancers and can look like superficial wounds often going undetected.
This study day will discuss skin cancer prevention and detection focussing on the most common types of skin cancer by highlighting main risk factors and prevention advice. It will summarise guidance on the signs and symptoms of skin cancers and their management, including initial assessment and referral and conclude by exploring myths about sun protection and sunscreen to provide practical advice to reduce sun exposure and the risk of skin cancer.
Who’s the Skin Cancer Awareness for Healthcare Practitioners study day suitable for?
This study day is aimed at any clinician with an interest in skin health, those who may spot a skin lesion when delivering care or those who may need to give skin and sun care advice. This includes registered nurses, podiatrists, pharmacists, physios, nurse practitioners, ANPs, Physician’s Associates, and GPs but could include anyone in the Multi-Disciplinary Team.
Programme – please note timings may be subject to change
09.30-09.45 Welcome & Introduction – Welcome & Introduction – Sarah Gardner, Society of Tissue Viability Education Facilitator/Director, Wound Matters Ltd
09.45-10.30 Skin Assessment: history taking & Examination – Sara Burr. Community Dermatology Specialist Nurse, Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust. Senior Lecturer, University of Hertfordshire
10.30–10.40 Q&A
10.40-10.55 Industry presentation – TBC
10.55-11.10 Comfort break
11.10-12.00 Skin Cancer Assessment and Detection: top tips for non-specialists – Speaker TBC
12.00-12.10 Q&A
12.10-12.25 Industry presentation – TBC
12.25-13.00 Skin Lesion Recognition Quiz: skills challenge – Speaker TBC
13.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.00 Skin Cancer Referral Pathways & Case Presentations: a GP perspective – Speaker TBC
14.00-14.15 Q&A
14.15-14.30 Industry presentation – TBC
14.30-15.00 Sunscreen and Sun Safety: myth busting – Speaker TBC
15.00-15.15 Q&A
15.15 Round up of the day / close
Industry presentations
There will be an interactive presentation of wound care products and preventative aids from our industry partners – TBC
Our Trustees look forward to welcoming you all virtually to the classroom
Keynote Speakers

Sara Burr
Senior Lecturer and Community Dermatology Specialist Nurse
University of Hertfordshire and Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust
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