Join our Breakfast Symposium sponsored by Urgo Medical

Join us on Wednesday 26 April at 8am for our Breakfast Symposium - Implementing NICE guidance – Real life examples of delivering gold standard care - Sponsored by Urgo Medical

We’re delighted to present this Breakfast Symposium sponsored by Urgo Medical

Title: Implementing NICE guidance – Real life examples of delivering gold standard care

Time: 08:00 – 09:00 (30 minutes of presentations + 30 minutes of panel discussion)

Moderator: Sarah GardnerSoTV Vice Chair, Independent


  • Leanne AtkinVascular Nurse Consultant/Research Fellow, Mid Yorks NHS Trust/University of Huddersfield
  • Joy Tickle Tissue Viability Nurse Consultant

Overview of the session

  • Leanne Atkin will reflect on the burden of wounds within the UK and the impact on national and local health care services and resources. She will share how she has introduced nationally recommended guidance within the local organisation to support clinicians to make confident choices and deliver safe and effective care for patients with wounds.
  • Joy Tickle will share real life examples of how including best practice recommendations within simple early intervention treatment pathways can help all health care professionals delivering wound care to heal patients sooner.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the importance of evidence-based decision making when caring for patients with co-morbidities / at-risk of impaired healing
  • Recognise the value of incorporating NICE recommended treatments for patients with wounds into your everyday practice, and the benefits and impact this has on a patient’s pathway of care.
  • Appreciate the importance of early intervention with the best standard of care when managing patients with wounds and existing co-morbidities

Take a look at the full conference programme

Book your free place at our conference now


A light breakfast and drinks will be provided by the Society on arrival so you can get your seat early. We look forward to seeing you for a fantastic symposium.


Dr Leanne Atkin PhD, MHSc, RGN, Vascular Nurse Consultant/Research Fellow, Mid Yorks NHS Trust/University of Huddersfield

Leanne Atkin

Vascular Nurse Consultant/Research Fellow

Mid Yorks NHS Trust/University of Huddersfield

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Joy Tickle

Tissue Viability Nurse Consultant

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Sarah Gardner, SoTV Chair and Independent Tissue Viability Consultant, Wound Matters

Sarah Gardner

Independent Tissue Viability Consultant

Wound Matters

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