Skin health and wound healing in mental health settings

Our free service specific/specialist days promote the best practices in skin health and wound healing


Patients present with a wide range of mental health conditions and are cared for by a multitude of different services from generalist clinicians (GPs, community nurses, practice nurses, nursing home RNs) to registered mental health clinicians working in specialist mental health areas.

Many of these patients will be at risk of poor skin health, skin breakdown and compromised wound healing but education that addresses the bespoke learning needs of those working in mental health has sometimes been difficult to access.

We are therefore delighted to be offering this unique educational opportunity to clinicians working specifically in mental health settings as well as to those working with patients with mental health needs in more generalist areas of health and social care. The programme has been designed in partnership with mental health professionals.

Download a copy of the programme

Who’s the skin health and wound healing in mental health settings suitable for?

This study day will be relevant to Registered mental Health nurses working in a range of specialist settings. Registered nurses working with patients with mental health conditions (Community nurses, general practice nurses, nursing homes), nurses working in minor injury/ A&E, paramedics, learning disability services.

Virtual exhibition

There will be an interactive virtual exhibition of wound care products and preventative aids from our industry partners.

Our Trustees look forward to welcoming you all virtually to the classroom.

Keynote Speakers

Sarah Gardner, SoTV Chair and Independent Tissue Viability Consultant, Wound Matters

Sarah Gardner

Independent Tissue Viability Consultant

Wound Matters

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Gina Sadler, Modern Matron Physical Health Lead, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust

Gina Sadler

Modern Matron Physical Health Lead

Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust

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Sarah Johnson, BSc, RGN, Trust Lead for Tissue Viability & VTE, Cumbria, Northumberland & Tyne and Wear Trust

Sarah Johnson, BSc, RGN

Trust Lead for Tissue Viability & VTE

Cumbria, Northumberland & Tyne and Wear Trust

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Adele Linthwaite MSc, RGN, Clinical Nurse Specialist – Wound Care, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust

Adele Linthwaite MSc, RGN

Clinical Nurse Specialist – Wound Care

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust

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Julie Fulea, Head of Nursing, Buckingham Mental Health Services, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

Julie Fulea

Head of Nursing

Buckingham Mental Health Services, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

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Lisa Kinahan RGN, RMN, Care Home Support Service - Mental Health Team, Oxford Health Foundation Trust

Lisa Kinahan

Care Home Support Service - Mental Health Team

Oxford Health Foundation Trust

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