Advances in lower limb and foot care study day

Our free advanced study days promote the best practices in skin health and wound healing


The care of people with lower limb and foot conditions remains topical thanks to the work being undertaken by the national wound care strategy programme and campaigns such as Legs Matter. Across the UK there are examples of exciting and innovative practice that is making a huge difference to patient outcomes.

This study day is a step up from our fundamentals of lower limb and foot care session and aims to provide delegates with a better understanding of current research and how to manage/ treat some of the more complex lower limb and foot conditions.

Who’s the advances in lower limb and foot care study day suitable for?

This study day will be relevant to clinicians regularly treating patients with lower limb or foot conditions (eg leg ulceration, chronic oedema, foot ulceration, PAD), vascular nurses, podiatrists, community nurses, general practice nurses, dermatology nurses, tissue viability nurses, GPs.


  • An update on Venous Ulcer Study 6: A randomised controlled trial of compression therapies for the treatment of venous leg ulcers – Jo Dumville, Professor of Applied Health Research, University of Manchester
  • Sickle cell disease and leg ulceration – Fran Worboys, Consultant Clinical Nurse Specialist, Accelerate
  • Managing lower limb oedema in patients with heart failure – Leanne Atkin, Vascular Nurse Consultant/Research Fellow, Mid Yorks NHS Trust/University of Huddersfield & Roo Byrom,

    Heart Failure Nurse Specialist, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust

  • Patient safety – Should sub optimal leg and foot care be seen as harm? – Kate Williams, Senior Lecturer – Tissue Viability and Honorary Tissue Viability Nurse, University of Huddersfield and Leeds Community Healthcare Trusts and Tracy Goodwin, Patient Partner, Legs Matter
  • Incorporating National Wound Care Strategy and Diabetic Foot Care Guidelines into Clinical Practice – The Manchester Amputation Reduction Strategy – Naseer Ahmed, Vascular Surgeon, Manchester University Foundation Trust
  • 5 The management of cellulitis in Lymphoedema – Rebecca Elwell Msc Lymphoedema Macmillan Lymphoedema ANP and Team Leader, Royal Stoke University Hospital

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Virtual exhibition

There will be an interactive virtual exhibition of wound care products and preventative aids from our industry partners.

Our Trustees look forward to welcoming you all virtually to the classroom.

Keynote Speakers

Sarah Gardner, SoTV Chair and Independent Tissue Viability Consultant, Wound Matters

Sarah Gardner

Independent Tissue Viability Consultant

Wound Matters

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Professor Jo Dumville, Professor of Applied Health Research, University of Manchester

Jo Dumville

Professor of Applied Health Research

University of Manchester

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Naseer Ahmad, Vascular Surgeon, Manchester University Foundation Trust

Naseer Ahmed

Consultant Vascular Surgeon

Manchester University Foundation Trust

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Dr Leanne Atkin PhD, MHSc, RGN, Vascular Nurse Consultant/Research Fellow, Mid Yorks NHS Trust/University of Huddersfield

Leanne Atkin

Vascular Nurse Consultant/Research Fellow

Mid Yorks NHS Trust/University of Huddersfield

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Roo Byron, Heart Failure Nurse Specialist MSc , PG Dip,York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust

Roo Byrom

Heart Failure Nurse Specialist

York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust

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Rebecca Elwell Msc, Lymphoedema, Macmillan Lymphoedema Advanced Nurse Practitioner, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust

Rebecca Elwell

Lymphoedema, Macmillan Lymphoedema Advanced Nurse Practitioner

University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust

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Kate Williams, Trustee of the SoVT and Senior Lecturer, University of Huddersfield and Honorary Tissue Viability Nurse, Leeds Community Healthcare Trust

Kate Williams

Senior Lecturer - Tissue Viability and Honorary Tissue Viability Nurse

University of Huddersfield and Leeds Community Healthcare Trust

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Tracy Goodwin, Patient Representative, Legs Matter

Tracy Goodwin

Patient Representative

Legs Matter

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Fran Worboys RGN BSc (Hons) DipN DipHS, Consultant Clinical Nurse Specialist in Tissue Viability

Fran Worboys

Consultant Clinical Nurse Specialist in Tissue Viability

Accelerate CIC

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